Víctor Navarro-Fernández


I am a Research Associate (Postdoc) in Mathematics at the Imperial College London working in the group of Prof. Michele Coti Zelati. Until August 2023, I was a Research Assistant (PhD student) at Universität Münster in the group of Prof. Christian Seis, and previously I obtained both my Bachelor's and Master's degrees at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

I am mostly interested in partial differential equations and mathematical models with methods from analysis of PDEs, SDEs and random dynamics. My research concerns problems related to fluid dynamics, transport and diffusion of passive scalars with deterministic and random data, predator-prey systems with chemotaxis, and convergence of numerical schemes.

I am supported by EPSRC “Stable structures and chaotic dynamics in fluid flows”, PI Prof. Michele Coti Zelati.


You can write me to v.navarro-fernandez@imperial.ac.uk or find at

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