Here you can find my MathSciNet and Google Scholar profiles. Most of my papers are also available on the arXiv.
- Three-dimensional exponential mixing and ideal kinematic dynamo with randomized ABC flows,
with M. Coti Zelati.
Preprint (2024). [arXiv]
- Error estimates for a finite volume scheme for advection-diffusion equations with rough coefficients,
with A. Schlichting.
ESAIM: M2AN, 57 (2023) 2131–2158. [doi] [arXiv]
- Optimal stability estimates and a new uniqueness result for advection-diffusion equations,
with A. Schlichting and C. Seis.
Pure and Applied Analysis, 4-3 (2022) 571-596. [doi] [arXiv]
- Uniform boundedness of solutions for a predator-prey system with chemotaxis and dormancy of predators,
with R. Dáger and M. Negreanu.
Quart. Appl. Math., 79 (2021) 367-382. [doi]
- Uniform asymptotic behavior of numerical solutions for a predator-prey system with diffusion and chemotaxis,
with R. Dáger, M. Negreanu and A.M. Vargas.
Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem., 120 (2020) 82-94. [doi]
- Uniform boundedness of solutions for a predator-prey system with diffusion and chemotaxis,
with R. Dáger and M. Negreanu.
C. R. Mathématique, 358-1 (2020), 103-108. [doi]
- Stability results for advection-diffusion equations with deterministic and random vector fields.
PhD Thesis, Universität Münster, 2023. [pdf] [slides]
- Existence of solutions and asympotic behavior of a predator-prey system with chemotaxis (in Spanish).
Master Thesis, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2020. [pdf]
- Partial Differential Equations Seminar, University of Cambridge, UK. March 2025.
- Analysis and Differential Equations Seminar, University of Bath, UK. February 2025.
- DynamIC: Dynamical Systems Seminar, Imperial College London, UK. February 2025.
- RSME's 7th Congress of Young Researchers, Bilbao, Spain. January 2025.
- Winter School: Boundary and Singularity in Fluid Mechanics, Stony Brook, NY. January 2025.
- Münster - Imperial Day in PDE, Münster, Germany. October 2024.
- 9th European Congress of Mathematics, Sevilla, Spain. July 2024.
- KCL Analysis Seminar, King's College London, UK. May 2024.
- Seminario de Ecuaciones Diferenciales, Universidad de Granada, Spain. April 2024.
- Junior Analysis Seminar, Imperial College London, UK. May 2023.
- AG Analysis-Probability, Max-Planck-Institut, Leipzig, Germany. October 2022.
- 14th Workshop of Young Researchers, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. September 2020.
- XVIII Certamen Universitario Arquímedes, Ministerio de Ciencia, Spain. November 2019.